Why isn’t NASA all over this?

Underneath Venus’ acid clouds, UFO hunters claim, rests a permanent structure that seems to suggest the planet was not only visited in the distant past – it was deemed secure enough to house massive outposts!

Today, Venus is a hellhole. Although its size and composition has earned it the nickname of Earth’s Sister, the reality is you wouldn’t last 3 seconds on its surface. Calling Venus’ climate unpleasant would be a gross understatement.

With surface temperatures high enough to melt lead and an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than what we have here, Venus would be near the bottom on your list of exotic vacation spots. Come for the thrills, stay for the sulphuric acid rains! Just to drive the point home, the longest a man-made probe’s ever survived on its surface was a little over two hours. The Soviet Venera 13 landed, took a few photos and measurements and then succumbed to the infernal conditions.

venus surface

But, astronomers determined, Venus wasn’t always this way. Like Mars, it is almost certain at one point in the distant past, Venus had a much lighter atmosphere and oceans of liquid water on its surface. It got the way it is today because of global volcanic eruptions and a runaway greenhouse effect. As CO2 and other greenhouse gasses accumulated in the atmosphere, temperatures rose, water turned to steam and the planet’s habitability index dropped below the threshold.

Recently, alien hunters have spotted an enormous, apparently stationary structure underneath Venus’ thick layer of acid clouds. Responsible for the discovery is Tyler Glockner, self-entitled conveyor of the “exposure of the alien phenomenon.”

The video he uploaded to YouTube shows what looks like an enormous curving band that stretches along a portion of the planet’s circumference.

Scientists have yet to ever see something as massive as what is being depicted here on Venus.”

Glockner added: “Maybe this is something else all together. Some sort of massive structure hidden in the clouds. Or possibly a grouping of something. All coming together to form this giant band. […]”

“You always hear about Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto but you really don’t hear about Venus. Maybe there’s something about this planet they don’t want us to know.”

The scientific community was quick to dismiss Glockner’s hypothesis because caution saved the scientist’s career. If prominent figures suddenly started backing every outrageous claim involving aliens, their credibility would drop lower than Venus’ real estate value.

Their explanation for the unusual band on the planet is gravity waves. Not to be confused with gravitational waves (ripples in space-time), gravity waves form when there is a difference in the atmospheric pressure of two neighboring regions. Think of clouds going over a mountain and you’ve got a pretty good picture.

“Gravity waves are an atmospheric phenomenon we often see in mountainous parts of Earth’s surface. Crudely speaking, they form when air ripples over bumpy surfaces,” French astrophysicist and atmospheric climate expert Jean-Loup Bertaux told Fox News. “The waves propagate upwards and grow larger and larger until they break below the cloud top and forms a wave,” he added.

If there’s one thing Venus is known for, it has to be strange cloud formations. So while gravity waves could potentially account for the weird structure, there is no proof it was actually caused by a mountain.

The planet’s strange history parallels our present and its present might foretell ours. Mankind sent only a handful of probes to Venus’ surface and to be completely honest, our knowledge of our next door neighbor is superficial. Taking this into consideration, it would be unwise to claim there are no alien relics on Venus. Until we succeed in mapping its surface (and we might never get to), there is plenty of room for sensible speculation.


At the end of the day, Glockner remains convinced what he saw on Venus is proof of ancient (or even present) alien habitation. He says gravity waves only last for a few days before dissipating. On the other hand, the strange band has been there for a while and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon.

What do you think – natural or artificial?