The US Government Orders NASA: “Get Humans To Mars By 2033!”

The US Government Orders NASA: “Get Humans To Mars By 2033!”

The Congress Just Passed the NASA Authorization Act of 2017. Their new mission? Get mankind to Mars ASAP! Along with the act, the chambers of Congress established NASA’s budget for 2017 at 19.5 billion dollars. Is that enough to get things going? Now I now there...
Advanced UFOs Might Be Fueled By Cosmic Light Flashes, Study Claims

Advanced UFOs Might Be Fueled By Cosmic Light Flashes, Study Claims

A new study claims that bizarre light flashes could be used by advanced aliens to accelerate their interstellar UFOs to blinding speeds. In 2007, astronomers detected an extremely bright flash of light in a galaxy billions of light years away from us. Up until now,...
Want To Crowdfund The World’s First Satellite For UFO Research?

Want To Crowdfund The World’s First Satellite For UFO Research?

Well, too bad, you can’t. It’s already been funded! Just joking, they still need your money. There are a lot of aspects of our society where power needs to be given to the people. As a group with the same interests, we should be given the chance to acquire...