A video showing a UFO of considerable proportions that strongly resembles a living creature has recently surfaced. Could this prove the UFO phenomenon is real, and even more, that otherworldly creatures reside on the Earth?

The sky is full of mysterious sightings, and although most of them can be given a rational explanation, there are some that seem to defy all logic. It’s true that even the unexplained can be interpreted as being nothing more than a common appearance, but thinking beyond that will offer relevant clues defining our world.

While Earth may be home to various undiscovered (or undocumented) alien lifeforms, there will always be skeptics trying to alter this perception by ridiculing the unusual, making it look like something childish or pathetic. This however is understandable, considering that cgi today can easily imitate reality, thus veiling an authentic and mystic phenomenon in a shroud of disbelief.

Such is the case of Zeroids – one of the first lifeforms to arrive and develop in space. These alien entities are capable of surviving in zero atmospheric pressure conditions from space, and are also known to reside on our planet. It may sound impossible, but alien entities are already among us, and there are numerous videos capturing their unusual behavior.

They float at extremely high altitudes, and are usually observed using a telescope. While some sightings are only visible in full light spectrum, these zeroids can be seen with the naked eye. These fascinating alien creatures are poorly documented, although many researchers know and even acknowledge their existence.


In 2012, Dr. Franklin Ruehl, an American ufologist and cryptozoologist with a Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from UCLA, shared his opinions about zeroids in an article for The Huffington Post.

Considering that our island universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old, it is conceivable that zeroids represent the earliest forms in the cosmic backdrop, perhaps even existing for nearly that entire time,” he wrote. “With such an elonged span of time at their disposal, zeroids could easily have trod many different evolutionary paths: They may range in dimensionality from the microscopic to the macroscopic.

According to Dr. Ruehl, these ancient, organic beings could be found throughout the entire universe and have adapted to different conditions of life. He suggests that such creatures can vary from the “utterly simple to the extraordinary complex,” they take various shapes and sizes and can have a solitary life, as well as live inside vast colonies. He also speculates that the “larger zeroidal entities might possibly feast upon smaller ones,” theory that’s similar to what we call the “food chain” here on earth, but on a universal scale.

On May 3, 2016, a video has surfaced revealing an impressive zeroid sighting floating above Guadalajara, Mexico. It strongly resembles a blue whale, but from another dimension, and it may also prove that Ruehl’s theory regarding smaller zeroids being assimilated or eaten by the bigger ones is true. On a cosmic level, this could be a variation of the food chain defined by our earthly standards.

Scott Waring from ufosightingsdaily who shared this find with the UFO community expressed his excitement on his blog:

It’s not often you get to see a UFO that moves like a living, breathing animal, but this is one of those. Watch as it almost swims through the sky. Such creatures do exist in space and have been recorded on live cam, but to see them in our sky, that’s even rarer.

Since these otherworldly creatures remain mostly undocumented, we can only speculate on certain aspects such as their intelligence level and composition, but their presence on this planet and throughout space is a well-known thing.

While some believe them to be nothing more than weather balloons, or elaborated jokes meant to distract us from the real green men and artificial crafts, I consider them to be part of the various, mind-boggling UFO phenomenon. The truth is out there, and before searching beyond our earthly boundaries, we should meticulously analyze our own planet, as it may hold the key to universal knowledge.