Every once in a while I hear supernatural stories too interesting to not share. Today I was watching a alien video on the history channel and I stumbled on this clip that made me rewind three times just to hear it again and again to make sure I was hearing it correctly.

It’s starts at the sacred site where Jesus was crucified and buried. After 3 days, rising from the dead.

326 AD (after the death of Jesus).

Empress Helena was the mother of the Emperor Constantine and she traveled to the holy land to found churches there. While she traveled there she visited sacred sites, she was one of the early converts to Christianity.

According to legend she visited the hill of Calvary where Jesus was executed. The pagan temple there was torn down here and in the rubble she uncovered the true cross where Jesus was crucified.

She actually found 3 crosses, which matches up with the biblical text as a man was crucified both to the right and to the left of Jesus.

Empress Helena Found Which Cross Jesus Died On Because Of This

When she discovered these three crosses she found a woman who was dying and terminally ill and brought there there. She had her touch all three crosses and after touching the first two nothing happened, but when she touched the 3rd cross she was miraculously healed. This was the cross that was then declared the cross that Jesus died on.

The man died and rose from the dead 326 years prior to this, and this dead cross, a piece of wood, even a dead piece of wood can hold the healing power of Jesus. Talk about supernatural.