by admin | Dec 14, 2021 | Cool Technology, News, Photos, Scientific Theories, UFOs, Uncategorized
“It is the Macroscopic Quantum Realm that will unlock the secrets to qConsciousness, Quantum Technologies, and Extraterrestrial Communication.”-Bent Light Extraterrestrial Messages have been a point of interest for scientists since as early as the...
by admin | Dec 3, 2021 | Conspiracy, Cool Technology, UFOs, Uncategorized
Retired US army officer Philip J. Corso and writer William J. Birnes collaborated in 1997 to publish a book that claims to reveal the many mysterious secrets that took place during the infamous events of Roswell in 1947. The book “The Day After Roswell”...
by admin | Nov 27, 2021 | Alien events, Conspiracy, Cool Technology, Exoplanets, News, Scientific Theories
“What happened to me wasn’t that unusual, unfortunately. What was unusual was that I remembered it.” At the Detroit Disclosure Conference in Detroit, Tony Rodrigues, a 49 year old woodworker, recounted his 20 year long experience being passed from...
by admin | Nov 26, 2021 | Cool Technology
There’s nothing like getting outside at night and riding around town. We love longboarding over here at UfoHolic and found a really badass longboard that is the perfect longboard for getting outside and night and a great way to keep your eyes on the sky for that...
by admin | Nov 16, 2021 | Alien events, Cool Technology, News, UFOs
It was a cold December evening in 1967, when police officer Herbert Schirmer had his alien encounter. He was out on patrol and had checked the local barn where he found the cattle behaving strangely. It was about an hour later, around 2:30 a.m., that 22-year old Herb...
by admin | Nov 11, 2021 | Conspiracy, Cool Technology, News, Photos, Pictures, Scientific Theories
Cryonicists believe that modern innovation will one day resurrect them from the dead. However, just how realistic is this hopeful second life after a deep freeze? It’s said that a signifying trait which makes us human is our awareness of our own...