The newly digitized scroll fragments scanned by Dr. Alexey Yudistky, revealed some unexpected details of well-known biblical stories that have been released to the world wide public: Noah’s Ark was shaped like a pyramid.
The story of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood is widely known, many old religions around the world share this myth, but with slim cultural differences. From India to ancient Greece, Mesopotamia and some North American tribes, few legends have survived the centuries without significant changes according to their culture, leading us to believe that there has been a global cataclysm that afflicted every culture of those days.
The Great Flood and Noah’s Ark is not mentioned only in the Book of Genesis, like it was commonly believed, as new related clues are revealed in the Dead Seas Scrolls.
The Dead Seas Scrolls are probably the greatest archaeological and biblical find, ever recorded in our history, the Bible itself being one large historical chronicle. The ancient scrolls are rather an archive of major events and mentions of symbolic personalities that had a massive influence over the history that took place in the last 2000 years.
Since their discovery almost 50 years ago by a Bedouin shepherd in the Qumran Caves of the Judean Desert, scientists have channeled all their knowledge to the restoration and deciphering of the 800 manuscripts that may hold unimaginable secrets that could shake the foundations of our most fundamental beliefs.
Of the 800 scrolls, 200 comprise portions of the Hebrew Bible text and the rest are being thoroughly analyzed by the Israel Antiquities Authority within the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library Project. Using a custom-made camera, tens of thousands of scroll fragments have been scanned, each fragment being photographed 28 times at high resolution, with several different wavelengths of light. Thanks to nowadays’ sophisticated technology, archaeologists are able to read symbols and words that until recently were simply unintelligible hieroglyphs.
The newly digitized scroll fragments scanned by Dr. Alexey Yudistky, revealed some unexpected details of well-known biblical stories that have been released to the world wide public: Noah’s Ark was shaped like a pyramid. This was concluded after the correct translation of a word following the phrase “the ark’s tallness”, that was illegible until now: “ne’esefet”, meaning “gathered”, thus the ark’s ribs were gathered together at the top in the shape of a pyramid.
In addition to this evidence, a Greek translation of the bible called “the Septuagint”, dating from the 3rd century, described the Ark using a verb with a similar meaning of “gathered”. Medieval scholars like Maimonides also suggested that the Ark’s roof was pointy, a trait of a pyramidal shape.
Skeptics thought to be a mere bedtime story to feed one’s imagination, but now they have strong reasons to reconsider, as Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood are no longer just a biblical story. The Dead Sea Scrolls clear the controversia around this legendary event, since Christos Djonis claimed in this articles “Evidence of The Great Flood – Real or Myth?” that this was no fiction at all.
The lack of evidences is due to the archaical timeline, being estimated that the ocean levels started to stabilize after 7000 BC. Only between 6000 BC and 5000 BC, have been recorded signs of human activity near the shorelines. This span of 1000-2000 years of this complete human absence is most like due to the primitivity that made their existence untraceable, but luckily, we are the proof of man’s ability to get back on the course of evolution.
Overall, the light shed on the story of Noah’s Ark is tremendous news for those who seek the truth, for as the answers will come, more aching questions will rise in their ardent minds. Source
seems like they want likes lmfao