We’ve been working hard to create the best UFO, Alien & Paranormal stories for several years now and we’re excited to share that we just recently launched our youtube channel. We’re releasing one new alien, ufo video each day. Make sure to head over to the UfoHolic youtube channel, subscribe and tap the bell in the top right for notifications to see new videos when they come out. Subscribe to our Ufo videos by clicking here.
During the coronavirus, something really interesting happened that went quite unheard. Joe Rogan tweeted about the biggest news in UFO history yesterday. The Pentagon admitted to the existence of UFO’s. That they are real.
2 fighter pilots spotted a UFO 100 miles out into the pacific. The craft was clearly not a typical airplane or anything of that sort. After many strange maneuvers, and disappearing, there is no way this wasn’t a UFO.
Watch the video below to hear the story and how it all played out:
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