In the last few years society has been flipped upside down. Common sense has been thrown out the window. People are listening to the media and news thinking they have their best interest at heart yet these media companies are mostly funded by P-fizer, Mo-derna or John.son and John.son. You have to look at the financial funding of the source of information that you are consuming. We don’t realize how truly big, how absolutely MASSIVE BIG P-Harm-us is! When we are fat, sick and nearly dead we are profitable customers. When we are healthy, fit and energized we are worthless to them. Take a watch of this video to see more of what controls the media than you’d think in today’s world:
Ancient Medicine Has Been Practiced For Thousands Of Years
Ancient medicine has been practiced for thousands, even 10’s of thousands of years across the world. Cultures and countries like India who practice Ayurvedic medicine. China, practicing Chinese Medicine or TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) or the tribes in the Amazon practicing shamanic medicine with plants and all types of botanicals from the amazon rainforest. The Native Americans here in the US on our own soil have been practicing plant medicine for 10’s of thousands of years. Modern medicine on the other hand has only been around since the 18th century. A few hundred years. It’s the baby in the room, the unproven method still. There are many reasons for that but one solid concreate reason you can bank on is the #3 leading cause of death in the United States. Do you know what that is? Iatragenic error. Probably never heard of it right?
Heart disease is the #1 leading cause of death. Cancer is the #2 cause of death. Coming in right behind these two at #3 is quite literally ‘medical error’ it’s when your doctor f*** up and you die because of it. This should be frightening to know that the #3 cause of death is quite literally human error in our ‘modern and “advanced” medical system.’
Ancient Medicine is Time Tested & Proven
The efficacy of plant medicine used by these cultures all over the world is much higher than that of western pharmaceutical medicine. Pharmaceutical medicine is statistically (facts don’t care about your feelings) the most expensive and least effective (at the same time) medicine on the planet. In the US we spend more money on ‘healthcare’ (sickness management, truly) than any other country in the world yet we have the highest rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases, ailments and sicknesses. We top the list in the unhealthiest country on earth yet we are the wealthiest. What went wrong?
Big P-Harm-Us Synthesizes Ingredients For ‘Intellectual Property’ Use in The Market
Big ‘P-Harma” (you know what i’m referring to) has made it a business model to go into the jungles of Peru, or any natural and wild ecosystem and their effort is to find the medicinal plants. They then find the active therapeutic compound in that plant. In Turmeric for example the medicinal compound that has therapeutic use is called curcumin. In Garlic it is allicin, for example. They then take this isolated compound into a lab and synthesize it, making a fake/synthetic version of it that they can then file for a patent on and generate IP (intellectual property) to protect themselves.
This is a routine way of doing things. However, it is not nearly as effective as the plant source itself? Why?
Plant Medicine is Complete On It’s Own – Humans F*** it Up!
The thing that these Ph-arma-ceutical scientists know is that plants on their own are incredibly therapeutic. Take turmeric for example, it has more science behind it proving that it is the #1 most effective plant to treat inflammation in the world! Yet it’s not recommended or sold by doctors. They’d rather make $50 off a pill than $2 off a root. The $50 pill is also less effective than the $2 root. Let that sink in. Garlic, another incredibly strong imm-une modulating bulb is great for the i-m-m-une system and all of the other pathogens and things that attack the body. It’s too cheap however.
One thing to keep in mind is that plants have a nutritional profile on their own. What I mean by that is Turmeric’s active therapeutic compound is curcumin, but curcumin works synergistically with all of the other compounds in Turmeric to make the entire root more effective as a whole. Same with garlic, or any other plant or plant-based medicine. By neglecting the entire plant and taking that one isolated component (which is already a mistake in my mind) and then taking that and synthesizing it (making a fake version) is a step further down the path of fake me-dicine. Fake treatments. Overpriced and underdelivered treatments.
How is Big P-Harm-A Enslaving Us?
Big P-harm-ass (funny, right?) is enslaving us in two major ways. One, when we subscribe to their model of medicine and healing we get caught in their spiderweb and never get well. They are in the sick care and pain management business. Their model doesn’t allow for you to get well, to get healthy. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that. Just watch a drug commercial. It’s quite obvious to the naked eye. Being sick, tired and fat is no way to live out the pure unexpressed energy that you have as a unique biological being. Being enslaved to a condition less than your greatness is one form of enslavement. The second form of enslavement is financial and it solidifies the first. The financial enslavement that comes from overpaying for a bad product that keeps you unwell (and actually makes you sicker) causes your money, time and energy to a product that is slowly poisoning you. Here, you think you’re getting better but each day with each fake pill your energy, vitality and hard earned money leave with it. It’s a form of modern day covert slavery to a system that is completely and utterly broken. It’s so obvious it hurts to see!
Why I Love Radiate Immunity!
I love a multi-herbal liquid capsule formula called Radiate Immunity because it contains plants that have been used for thousands of years in therapeutic and medicinal ways from all over the world. From these oldest lasting cultures and medicines around the world. Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Amazonian medicine and Native American medicine all into one liquid capsule. They then take these plant extracts and nano-emulsify them. What does that mean? Nano (meaning small) and emulsify (to mix) these ingredients so that they are micro-sized and more bioavailable (available for your biology to use). Then, at the very end of the process these herbs are then resonated at 528 HZ.
528 HZ is The “Miracle Frequency”
528 Herz is known as the ‘miracle frequency’ or the ‘love tone’ because it benefits the heart chakra and is known as the ‘longevity’ frequency because get this.. genetic physicists use 528 hz for DNA repair. What else repairs DNA that you can think of? Not much! The beauty of Radiate Immunity is that it takes time tested and time proven plants (used by healers over thousands of years) and quite literally blends these together so that they can work together and be absorbed in the body in a very effective manner, than works on the 528 hz channel in the body.
Tesla Said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla.
528 HZ truly is one of those secrets, along with 432 HZ and many other healing frequencies that work to restore your body and biology to its optimal state. What I love about Radiate Immunity is that it supports your imm-une system as well as your stress response systems, your lungs (God knows we all need support here) and the energy systems of the body. It’s the only health product I have found advanced enough to utilize frequency in the product. Tesla would be proud! Because it’s a liquid capsule you can let it melt under your tongue. It tastes earthy, minty, tangy and slightly sweet. I love it. Keeps me strong and healthy.
You can grab a bottle or two of Radiate Immunity at They were kind enough to give us the discount code ‘ufoholic’ for 20% off the order!
People Are Opening Their 3rd Eye & Grounding With Hape
Use the discount code healthywildfree for 10% off your order!
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