Stunning ancient rock carvings that portray an Assyrian king paying homage to his gods amid a procession of mythical animals have been unearthed in the Kurdistan region, after being hidden for several years by ISIS. The fragile artwork dates back 1,800 years and depicts creatures such as dragons or griffins with intricate details never before seen on these tablets—portraying scenes from around Mesopotamian literature like Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality
Jarawa woman Dressing herself Jarawite religion ceremonial headdress where her hair has been pulled up into this type 47 dress made.
These Assyrian carvings that are almost 3,000 years old were uncovered late last year in the Faida district of Iraq by Italian and Iraqi archaeologists. They’re from a place called Duhok which is about 300 miles (480 km) north-west from Baghdad but what really makes this discovery special? These ancient sculptures have been dated back somewhere between 885 to 710 BC!
A recent study has shown how much time can pass before people forget their roots so it’s nice seeing these beautiful pieces still being appreciated today for all they mean both culturally & historically – especially coming at such an important point when Daesh [ISIS] was trying take over most everything else.”
The discovery of these ancient carvings is not only remarkable for its significance, it also provides a window into the past. These are likely to be just one example among many that have been lost forever due largely in part from extensive destruction over time by tomb raiders looking for treasure and pilgrims desiring spiritual solace – while at times actively seeking out tombs or temples with sacral burials as well!
The language used here paints an interesting picture- “almost 200 years” sounds like there was once long stretches where nobody knew what would become so iconic; but now every generation can enjoy them thanks again modern archeology (the word itself even seems quaint).
The people of Faida are known for their art, but there’s no other Assyrian rock-writing site that comes close to competing with them.
A recent discovery has revealed new insight into this ancient culture and its impact on us today! The carving at Khinnis was found near Mosul in 1845 by an Italian Archaeologist Daniele Morandi Bonacossi from Udine University who is quoted as saying “there Is No Other art complex that can be compared with Faida”
Morandi Bonacossi leads the excavation of Faida for an international university project, in partnership with both Iraqi and Turkish archaeologists.
The carvings were first seen in the 1970s, and surveys of this site began a few years ago. However they had to be abandoned when ISIS became active nearby Mosul which led them capturing our town as well back then around 2014.
The archaeologists finally got permission from government officials on return after being driven out by those terrorists with help from coalition forces now demolishing their Vehicles one by one until we can go back into homes safely again!
The archaeologists have uncovered ten panels of intricate carvings in bedrock above what was once an ancient canal. Like the famous Assyrian reliefs at Khinnis, these are sculpted with prominent figures raised from a solid background to give them more depth and dimension than if they were simply painted on flat surfaces like most other artwork around today’s museums for example
So far I’ve seen 10 panels that depict complex scenes showing people doing all sorts things such as farming or working but also fighting battles against one another which is not something we see often anymore due it becoming so widespread during wartime when soldiers would be required wear masks made out animal skin because if breathing heavily while running.
The Faida canal was a waterway that ran 4 miles long and is estimated to have been built in the eighth century B.C.. It carried water all throughout Faidah, but now it’s just an uncovered dirt road with some overgrown trees lining each side of it; however there may be more than meets eyes when you take into consideration what Morandi Bonacossi said about this excavation site: “It is highly probable that more reliefs and perhaps also monumental celebratory cuneiform inscriptions are still buried under soil debris,” she told Live Science.”
Each panel shows a procession of the seven main ancient Assyrian gods and goddesses, who are standing or sitting atop striding dragons, lions, bulls and horses.
Mullissu’s throne is supported by lion statues while Ashur rides on top of his loyal animal companion-a dragon!” The deities can be identified as Ashur (son/husband) with wife Muluisfrom their call names which appear in cuneiform script. “Sin” was also carved into stone.
The procession also shows the Assyrian god of wisdom mounted on a dragon, Shamash who represents justice in the form of a horse with harness bells around its neck. He looks towards everlasting light coming from somewhere above while he rides through it all; protecting his people from any impending danger by giving them knowledge and understanding about what is going on outside their borders as well as inside themselves- which can only make life better for everyone!
Another deity that we see here riding alongside him could possibly be Adad because not only does this particular bullheaded sun have shinning horns but also seems rather proud to show off both assets at once…
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