At this moment 1.9 million people have clicked “going” and another 1.4 million “interested” to join what started as a joke. A Facebook event that took on a life of its own. Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All whose plan is simply “if we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets” keeps evolving into something no one expected. Not even the creator of Storm Area 51 who came forward.
The Creator of Storm Area 51
Twenty year old college student Matty Roberts is a petroleum engineering major. He is also the creator of Storm Area 51 and was finally interviewed on television.
He said he posted the event on June 27 as a joke, and only had a few people click on it at first until in a few days it suddenly took off. His event is not the first event that suggested people to storm Area 51 as a joke, but it is the first one to gain so much attention.
Matty refused to be interviewed at first, but after the event grew past 500,000 people, he got concerned that the FBI would show up at his door asking him questions if he did not clear the air that this indeed was a joke.
Today the website created especially for the event sells storm Area 51 T-shirts, and says “stay tuned for a special announcement.”
The announcement may be that Storm Area 51 is turning into a party.
Since people already wanna come, Matty now does want to turn the event into something, but not into storming the secret facility,
Matty told KERO-TV:
“I want to make it like a festival of sorts, a bunch of different music artists.”
“… Everyone from the EDM world, maybe some indie rock, maybe some smaller guys who are up and coming. I’ve had a lot of people DM [direct message] the page and say they’re bands want to play there, which would be super cool.”
Matty said he got the idea when watching Joe Rogan interview Area 51 whistleblower Bob Lazar.
Lazar has since warned people against storming Area 51 (read). He said the idea was misguided, and last time a man tried to get into Area 51 was shot. The Air Force 7 advises people against trying to storm in as well.
Matty agrees:
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt. This came up as a pure struck of imagination it was meant to be funny.”
If this becomes a festival Bud Weiser seems to be on board.
Local Area 51 Researcher’s Opinion
Joerg Arnu lives near door to Area 51 in a town called Rachel with a population of 54 people as of 2010. Joerg took a trip to Area 51 for the first time in 1998 from Las Vegas at the time. When he saw the surveillance devices, warning signs, and the ‘Cammo Dudes’ watching him and his girlfriend, it ignited in him questions that he is still answering.
To do so he created a website called Dreamland Resort that prides in calling itself “the most comprehensive source of information about Area 51.” There you can find information for first time visitors, photos of the area from a satellite, drones videos, and discussion forums.
He said when he created an event to meet near Area 51, there were only 30 people, and they had trouble navigating everyone where to park.
Rural Nevada Has To Adapt
Area 51, a top secret military base, is located in a rural area that does not see many people. However many people are actually going are likely to create traffic jams and other issues that the locals are trying to foresee.
People are reminded about Nevada’s high heat temperatures during the day, lack of porta potties, and potentially even drinking water.
Local Businesses Prepare For Potential Visitors
“Little AleInn” changed its name “Rachel’s Bar and Grill” after Lazar’s story in 1989. Now it sells E.T. themed food and drinks, as well as various merchandise.
The owner Connie West says she is “a little scared” about what happens on September 20, and hopes no one crosses the line to actually try to storm Area 51.
She knows some people are coming, because her restaurant is completely booked for September 20th date. She is clearing out 30 acres for visitors and campers, but does not really know what is going to happen.
Four bands have also said they are coming.
George Harris, the creator of alien tequila, and owner of another local business says he checked with the Lincoln County sheriff if it is okay for him to prepare for hundreds if not thousands of campers. After sheriff’s permission, Hariss now has bands, food trucks, and speakers.
He believes he understand why this is happening.
“The cause is the government. Because they are so secretive. And people want to know what’s going on up there…[This] tapped into something big.”
Harris says in the news report which you can find below.
Perhaps it wasn’t the Facebook event or the creator of storm Area 51, but it is the timing that caused this. People are simply sick of secrets, especially the ones coming from the government. Hopefully this will open up the conversation, and that the event passes without harm to anyone.
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More about area 51:
Ufo believers to ‘storm Area 51’ looking for aliens
The air force and bob lazar warn against storming Area 51
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Area 51 worker called radio to warn about aliens. His voice still haunts us.