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Could Elon Musk’s ‘SpaceX’ agency hold the keys to the evolution of the human species and its ascent into deep space as we know it?
Musk is well known for his electric vehicles through his Tesla, Inc. company, and his SpaceX venture has made headlines the world over in recent months for its rocket launches.
SpaceX is expected to take a quantum leap in its space travel odyssey in 2023, when Japanese art collector and billionaire Yusaku Maezawa is scheduled to take a trip around the moon as part of the company’s most ambitious mission yet.
The mission is expected to fund future deep space exploration missions, but if Mr. Musk is smart, he’ll stop on the surface of the moon for another, far more complicated and important mission first, according to a well known UFO researcher who became a huge social media story with tweets directed at Musk recently.
Blogger: Recovery of UFO Could “Boost Humanity’s Desire to Colonize Worlds”
Scott Waring, the owner of the popular UFO Sightings Daily website, had a special request for Musk recently on social media, and was surprised by the number of retweets he received.
Waring told Musk that he should consider recovering something both exciting and frightening he says has been found in the middle of a crater on Earth’s moon: a 10-mile long UFO that crashed in previous years. There now appears to be a considerable movement behind the recovery of this spacecraft, which could prove to be the one that humanity needs in order to move forward with its own lofty space ambitions, far beyond anything Musk or NASA could produce alone.
“I contacted Mr. Musk and asked him to consider recovering the spacecraft,” Waring said according to Express.co.UK.
“Apparently there are a lot of people who think it’s a good idea for Musk to look into it.”
Waring said he hoped Musk would take an interest in salvaging the craft if he knew such a high tech ship with a length of 10 miles long existed.
Mr. Waring argued the recovery of the UFO could boost humanity’s desire to colonize additional worlds within the solar system and beyond.
The UFO expert theorized that this spaceship could still be working or may have been abandoned by its owners.
“What I mean is, you know how a phone gets outdated in a few years so you toss aside the old one?” Waring stated.
“While this may have only been replaced with a newer model, think of how many people a 10-mile ship could accommodate on it, it would be enough to begin new colonies on other planets.”
In a tweet directed at Mr. Musk and his electric car company Tesla, Waring encouraged the South African billionaire to think of the technology on board and the immense benefits it could provide for human civilization moving forward.
“Get this ship and it will take humans across the universe,” Waring said.
Will Musk Step Up to Mr. Waring’s Challenge?
Founded in 2002, SpaceX’s mission is to enable humans to become a space-preventing civilization and a multi-planet species by building a self-sustaining city on Mars.
In 2008, SpaceX’s Falcon 1 became the first privately developed liquid fuel vehicle orbiting the Earth.
Following that milestone, SpaceX was awarded a contract to transport cargo and crew to the International Space Station (ISS), which is one of the main projects Mr. Musk’s company is currently working on.
SpaceX is also the first commercial supplier to launch and retrieve a spacecraft from orbit, connect a commercial spacecraft to ISS and successfully land a rock-class amplifier.
By pioneering the development of fully and rapidly reusable rockets and spacecraft, SpaceX dramatically reduces the cost of access to space, and is expected to have a real chance to make life on Mars a reality during our lifetime.
While Musk is currently busy with countless projects of special interest to humanity at-large, including electrical vehicles and other missions, it’s highly plausible that the tweet got his attention, and he just may take an extra look the next time the topic of the Moon comes up.
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