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23 years ago in 1997, US army officer (now retired) Philip J. Corso published a book with a writer named William J. Birnes. The book shares accounts of what happened in Roswell in 1947.
The book “The Day After Roswell” quickly became hot topic among UFO researchers, enthusiasts and conspiracy minds alike.
The book was written by a man by the name of Philip James Corso, who served in the US Army for 21 years from 1942 to 1963. Philip shares in his book he wrote that he had been in charge of the department that studied the UFO crashed in Roswell in 1947.
Philip argues that many advanced technical discoveries that appeared in the following decades after the Roswell crash, such as Kevlar body armor, night vision googles and devices, optical fiber, transistors, even the integrated circuit chip were a direct result of what scientists studied and found inside the alien spacecraft that crashed in Roswell. He also claimed that part of his job entailed transferring the alien technology to US Corporations.
The eerie thing about Philip’s book and story is that he died of a unexpected heart attack shortly after releasing his book, just a few months later. Coincidence? or conspiracy? In his book, there are so announcements about aliens that even ufologists and conspiracists considered it exaggerated or even potentially fictional. Imagine that. People now believe that Philip was silenced by the powers that be, the authorities, simply because he had revealed many things they did not want revealed.
Philip Corso had no known mental illness or any phobias. He was known as a brave soldier during his time in the army. He was also as an officer of the National Security Council under President Dwight Eisenhower.

Philip made quite a few interesting claims while he was alive.
He repeatedly was a guest in interviews with the American late-night radio talk show “Coast to Coast AM.” Namely he claimed…He repeatedly argued that the US government was hiding the truth about aliens and UFOs in order profit from it in a tech-sector. This is not a surprising claim. Just look at how many tech breakthroughs and things came from NASA that are now in the private tech sector.
In his book, Philip described that alien bodies were found during the crash along with the UFO technology.
According to Corso, Grey aliens, also referred to as Zeta Reticulans were not really aliens, but were actually bio machines specially created to work on other planets. Quite the claim, huh?
He also claimed and wrote that as far as he knew, no one had encountered actual real aliens, and all eyewitnesses or abductees had seen only big-headed and black-eyed “bio machines.”
Philip was vocal about his story, his experience and his book until the day of his death after the unexpected heart attack, if that is what really took him out.
At one point to prove his claim, Philip described in detail what he had seen during the autopsy of the alien beings. He wrote that those aliens did not have a digestive system, and their bodies were linked to the spacecraft as if they were controlled through ships, essentially being controlled electrically or bioelectrically.
He wrote even further that those extraterrestrial biological objects, as indicated in the autopsy reports, were humanoid robots specially designed to travel long distances in space and time. His story will not be lost, nor forgotten. Grab a copy of his book The Day After Roswell by clicking here.
Watch This Video To Hear Colonel Phillip J. Corso’s Story Further:
One of the last video interviews with Philip Corso before his death.
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