There have been encounters with UFOs that have reportedly left Americans suffering from radiation burns, believe it or not. Along with brain and nervous system damage, and even instances of “unaccounted for pregnancies,” according to a massive database of U.S. government reports recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request which causes the documents to come forward.
The database of documents includes quite the library from AATIP. More than 1,500 pages of UFO-related material from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) — which is a secretive U.S Department of Defense program that was not covered in the media or by politicians ran from 2007 to 2012. Even though it was never classified as secret or top secret, the AATIP only became known to the public in 2017, when former program director Luis Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon and released several now-infamous videos of an unidentified aircraft moving in seemingly impossible ways to the media.
Shortly after the AATIP’s existence was revealed, the U.S. outpost of the British Tabloid The Sun filed a FOIA request for any and all documents related to the program. Four years later — on April 5, 2022 — the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material to The Sun.
According to The Sun, the library of documents includes reports on the what became the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans, studies on advanced technologies such as invisibility cloaks, and plans for deep space exploration and colonization. Some portions of the documents were “withheld in part” for privacy and confidentiality concerns, the AATIP told The Sun.
One standout document from over a decade ago dated March 2010. The report describes alleged injuries to “human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems,” some of which may be a “threat to United States interests,” according to the document.
The report breaks down 42 cases from medical files and 300 “unpublished” cases where humans sustained injuries after alleged encounters with “anomalous vehicles,” which include UFOs. In some cases, humans showed burn injuries or other conditions related to electromagnetic radiation, the report said — some of them appearing to have been inflicted by “energy related propulsion systems.” The report also noted cases of brain damage, nerve damage, heart palpitations and headaches related to anomalous vehicle encounters. In other words, these UFO sightings weren’t just a ufo sighting. They ended up being quite dangerous.
The report also includes a list of biological effects of UFO sightings on allegedly having on human observers between 1873 and 1994, compiled by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) — which is a civilian non-profit group that studies reported UFO sightings. The reported effects of UFO encounters include “unaccounted for pregnancy,” “apparent abduction,” paralysis, and experiences of perceived telepathy, teleportation and levitation. How about some bacon with those eggs huh?
The report concludes that there is more than enough evidence “to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings.”
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